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Maxim Tubes Co. Private Limited

Company Profile

Established in 2006 Maxim Tubes within a short span of 8 years has been able to transform itself from a regional steel pipes and tubes manufacturing company into a booming global business with a solid reputation as well as a foothold in international markets. With a turnover that has increased fifty-fold since its formation Maxim Tubes quickly turned itself from a local player to an international customer-centric business that aims at providing innovative tubular solutions to the industry. Having a wide range of ground-breaking products and solutions that deliver additional value to its customers the organization has successfully substantiated its position as a maximum solutions provider.

With expertise in the fabrication of metal products Maxim Tubes stands as the vanguard of the tubular solutions industry in terms of quality standards products material range as well as customer satisfaction. The company recognizes and conforms to the Quality Management System certified by Bureau Veritas Quality International.

Maxim as an organization functions on modern methods of manufacturing and employs state-of-the-art technology to deliver top quality products that match global standards. Synonymous with excellence Maxim Tubes is recognized not just for its high-quality products that are compliant with global standards but also for developing innovative solutions that deliver additional value to the customers. Maxim's products are developed to meet specific requirements of emerging sectors like Heat Exchangers Petrochemicals Power Plants Automotive and Onshore and Offshore Oil and Gas Production etc.

An ideal partner for managing and powering the performance of businesses across the globe Maxim is committed to meet customer requirements and aims to manufacture products that can empower the industry serve the clientele as well as result in mutual growth.


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Gandhinagar, Gujarat

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